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Builder Score

Home Builder Reviews from Real Homebuyers.

RiVirtual Builder Score empowers you with comprehensive insights into the quality, reliability, and reputation of builders, ensuring that your real estate endeavors are built upon a sturdy foundation of trust.

Builder Score

Real Reviews from Real Homebuyers.

Twillz builders

  • 4.9 (1)

Twillz Builders delivered a positive overall experience for our recent home renovation. Their communication was consistent and clear, keeping us informed throughout the project. The team's c ...more

Zeroic Builders

  • 4.0 (1)

As a leading company in the real estate sector, we have collaborated with numerous construction firms, but our experience with Zeroic Builders stands out as exceptional. Their commitment to ...more

Every builder is rated on four catagories :

  • Quality

  • Value

  • Trustworthiness

  • Responsiveness

  • 100% of buyers are contacted for a review.

    We contact every buyer for the builders in our program. No cherry picking.

  • Every buyer is verified.

    Every buyer is verified, and due diligence is done to ensure that the buyer has in fact conducted business with the builder.

  • Builders do not pay us to participate.

    No money transaction takes place with the builder to participate in this process.

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